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August 29, 2023 / TeknoKai

A little more Wisdom…

Hey Everybody!!! How’s it going today? Hope you guys are ready for a fun filled Labor Day! As many of you know, this time of year is Bittersweet for me, because I lost my Dad on Labor Day 17 years ago. Consequentially, this is usually the time of year that I have a deep introspection and personal inventory. On top of that, this coming November 29 I hit my 50th year on this little blue planet. So this year has been exceptionally enlightening for me, in more ways than one.

I am still thinking of doing more regular updates here to share my newfound wit and witticisms, and I promise I’m going to try to do that. And in that vein of thinking, today I have one really nice morsel to share with you guys. You can blame it on my old age, and my experience, and my general causality of interaction with life, (because it is all 3) so let’s just say I’m kind of creating my own new set of “Golden Rules” which I have learned painstakingly over the last half century, which I’m trying to apply more daily in my life as I set out on the path towards my next milestone goal, which will be another 50 years from now when I’ve company’s full Century. I don’t know whether it will be more poignant then than now, but for now it’s actually a little more on the happy side of things. I guess we’ll know for sure once we get there.

Today I just want to share with all you internet friends one special thing I’ve learned in my first half century. It’s something that has completely shaped who I am, as if this moment, and when I tell you what it is, it should be enough of a frame of reference for you to immediately know intrinsically what kind of person I am at my very core. Even if you’ve only ever known me here on the internet, you should immediately get a full and unadulterated idea of who I am and why I live my life the way I do. It’s a very simple concept, when you come to think about it., and it’s something than can easily be summed up in just once sentence, five words long. That’s it . I never thought, when I was younger that I’d be able to convey the kind of meaning that I am going to in such a small and simple matter. Most of you who know me, especially in real life, know that I’m a Wordsmith, I like to use many, many, many words to say what I mean. In my younger days I was even a prolific poet, and my work has been publicly published, though it has been many a year since I last took quill to parchment to paint my soul across a lyrical canvas. However, I do think I still have it in me (as I just oh so subtly conferred), but as I said, this little piece of wisdom is powerful enough that I don’t have to dazzle it up to make it easier to understand. Honestly, one sentence of five words will say it all, and do it more profoundly than any Shakespearean redress. Trust, me, when I tell you, you’ll see.

The best way I can tell you everything you need to know about me, and my life, and understand how deeply pensive and joyful it is to be me will be revealed in the next sentence. Are you all ready? Is everyone listening? Can you see the screen clearly and are probably biting your fingernails thinking “Get on with it, already!” Ok, I will. Here we go.

Jesus is my role model.

There. That simple statement should tell you everything you’ll ever need to know about me. Growing up, all of us had our role models, and many of them changed from time to time. We are always reinventing ourselves and trying to be something new or different. I know for most of my life, I was. But when I realized that my life would be infinitely more special and precious not just to me, but everyone around me, it was the simplest thing in the world to choose who my role model should be. And I know, for a fact, that anyone can make their life 1,000,000 times better if they choose the same role model. This is something that I’ve always known, but it’s taken me 50 years to see the simplicity of it. I know I’ll never be exactly like Jesus, because he was the only perfect man who ever existed. But it’s really very simple to try and conduct my life in such a way that it does it’s best to duplicate what he stood, and still stands to this day, for. Sure, I may meet a ton of people who are cool and interesting and worthy, in their own way, of being the kind of person I think I’d like to be. But when it all comes down to it, the only one that I find myself really trying to emulate at the end of the day, is the only one who was ever perfect yet still walked this earth. And I have learned over my last half century that His way of thinking, and of living in general, is the most beneficial of all. I learned of it at an early age, but I didn’t profoundly understand it until now.

So, peeps, that’s my wisdom for today in a nutshell. I’ve begun working on a list of some other things that I’ve gleaned over this last half century that work alongside and complement this little nugget of knowledge, and in the coming days and weeks I fully intend to record them here for Posterity’s sake. So until next time we meet, I hope your life is joyful and prosperous and filled with all the peace and love you can handle. Once again, borrowing from the one and only Stan “The Man” Lee- Excelsior!


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